Stop fucking about & start writing

Everything you need to get your stories written

As seen on:

Write November

We’re writing a novel whatever makes us feel good in November

Most popular courses



How to plot a novel. From idea to outline in just six week.


Couch to 5k Words

Shake off your literary ennui and get moving


Making People

The characterisation masterclass.

For badass writers with no time or money


Get writing

Procrastination-busting, word-writing, story-eating, tea-drinking, biscuit-dunking writing retreats and workshops. Online and irl. In the UK and worldwide.


Stay writing

Immediate start online writing courses. We’ve got everything you need to get going, keep going, plot, edit, unpick, rebuild, and publish your stories.


Finish your story

WHQers are the most productive, supportive, story-making, generous, loving bunch of writertypes anywhere ever, and together we’ll help you through.

We’re writers too

We understand how it works.

We’ve been helping writers grow and love their writing since 2012.

Writers’ HQ is run by Sarah Lewis and a badass team of hand-baked writers who understand that all stories – your stories – are important.


Join the most word-writing, tea-drinking, story-slinging, biscuit-dunking, productivity-boosting, super supportive writing community this side of the internet

Woohoo yeah do it do it yeah woo etc and so on



Keep your
wallet in your pocket

Three free courses, the online writers retreat, Flash Face Off, forum access, and your first steps into your amazing community. It is, as they say, lit.


Gold stars!

The full Writers’ HQ membership for writerly superstars

Access all areas, baby! Over 20 in-depth creative writing courses, monthly masterclasses, deep dives into story structure and much much more.


Who’s awesome? We’re awesome!

Well. You’re awesome, actually. You do the hard work, we just provide the warm embrace of swearing and tea and pep.

Life changing

This membership has honestly been life changing for me! After doing the 14 Days to a Solid Writing Habit course, which gave me a great kick start, I have been doing Plotstormers II to help me edit my novel. How do I say this without swearing? Fuck it, it’s been sodding amazing! It’s helping me so much to edit my novel. I’ve also been doing the Flash Fiction course and a piece of mine is on the Welkin Prize shortlist!

Agnes H
Gold Star Member

WHQ is fantastic

I did a free writing course with WHQ at the start of the pandemic and joined up straight after – since then I have had over twenty pieces published, been long and shortlisted in various competitions and won one at the beginning of this year – the tutors, and the encouragement of the forum members, are fantastic.

Gold Star Member

I now have the tools I need to do this

Writers’ HQ has played a huge part in getting me to where I am in the novel writing process. If it wasn’t for you guys it would still be a 3000 word draft hidden in a drawer somewhere. Now you have set me off on the right foot for the next stage in the process, knowing that everyone has doubts, but feeling reassured I have the tools I need to do this.

Vicki J
Gold Star Member

Love you Writers' HQ!

After hanging around as a freebie member and completing the free courses, I was so convinced by the improvements to my writing – and amused by the emails! – I signed up for three months… I’m still here, months later! I’ve learnt so much, from courses like Plotstormers and The First Draft, and from fellow WHQers, I would rather give up cake and chocolate than let my membership lapse! Love you WHQ!

Jan M
Gold Star Member

I cannot imagine life without WHQ

I’ve been a subscriber since April 2019 and I now cannot imagine life without WHQ. It’s like my inner sanctum and I bang on about it to everyone all the time. They must get sick of me. In the past when I’ve had to knock other subscriptions on the head because of money, there was never any question of me doing the same for this wonderful organisation.

Lauren P
Gold Star Member

A wonderful community

Before I joined WHQ I never dreamed of submitting my work to magazines. Since becoming a paid-up member 5 months ago, I’ve had 6 flash fictions and 2 poems accepted for publication – entirely thanks to the inspiration and support of this wonderful community.

Sarah K
Gold Star Member