Searching for the perfect present that will surprise and delight your favourite writer-buddy/relative? You’re in the right place cos we’ve compiled a handy list of 14 of the finest gifts for writers this side of the internet.
Writers just need their brains, something to write on and an unlimited supply of tea, right? Technically yes but ‘tis the season to buy stuff and things and ~digital downloads~ for one another, so here are a selection of the best gifts to give your favourite writer this Christmas.
1. A Pleasurable Pen

There’s nothing better than the feeling of writing with a perfect pen. The Uni-Ball Air is our very own Jo Gatford’s all time fave, and she’s got Pen Heaven’s Platinum Plaisir on her Christmas list this year. And since you can never have too many pens, this is the perfect gift for writers of all kinds.
2. A useful diary

Chock full of writing exercises, competitions to enter and even a submissions planner, Mslexia’s writer’s diary makes a thoughtful and useful gift.
3. A year’s worth of stories

Treat your writer to a subscription to the beautiful Popshot magazine or a volume from Pure Slush’s epic library of anthologies.
4. Healthy eyeballs

Writing usually involves hours spent hunched over a screen, and the blue light is not good for our puny human brains! Save your pal’s eyeballs, mental health and circadian rhythm with an ocushield screen protector or glasses. As far as gifts for writers go, this one’ll earn you some big brownie points.
5. Warm wrists

Keep their furiously typing fingers cosy with a pair of wrist warmers or fingerless gloves. These ones from Turtle Doves are super soft and made from recycled cashmere.
6. A poetry course

Nurture their poetic skills with a course from the Poetry School.
7. A charming mug

Help your friend set healthy boundaries with this tasteful WHQ mug.
8. WHQ gold star goodness

Listen, we couldn’t write a list about gifts for writers and not include ourselves. WHQ gold star membership includes access to all of our 5-star rated courses, webinars and 15% off retreats. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving – how long it keeps on giving for is up to you! Choose from 3 months, 6 months or 12 month membership.
9. Books about writing

For when your writer is in need of some inspiration, or to haul themselves out of a writers-block hole, these are the books about writing that get recommended time and time again by WHQers:
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
Big Magic by Liz Gilbert
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
10. A motivational notebook

It’s hard to argue with classic WHQ wisdom like this. It is a fact universally acknowledged that writers can never have too many notebooks, so you can’t go wrong with one of our hardback notebooks – available with lined, plain or grid pages.
11. A book of tiny stories

We love a bit of flash fiction around these parts, and every year the Bath Flash Fiction Award publishes a beautiful collection of prize-winning stories. Not to brag, but there’s usually a smattering of WHQers to be found in its pages.
12. The *best* app for writing novels

Forget Word, the best app for writing a novel is Scrivener, because it’s made with writers in mind. Plus you can get £10 off with the code WRITERSHQ – you’re welcome.
13. A cute-as-a-button bookmark

Help your buddy make a dent in their TBR pile with this adorable (and tenuously christmassy) sprout bookmark.
14. The gift of finishing their novel

What do writers love more than writing novels? Finishing novels. Writers’ HQ’s Edit Your Novel 23 course is designed to take a draft and make it into a finished novel, in the company of a small group of fellow writers, and with one-to-one, tailored support from team WHQ. Spaces are limited – click here to find out more.
Sign up for 12 Days of Flashmas here.
Or commit to your writerly resolutions with Edit Your Novel 2023.
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