Apply for a Writers’ HQ bursary
Access to all our online writing courses, workshops and resources for systemically-excluded writers

About the bursary
Writers’ HQ is dedicated to supporting systemically marginalised or disadvantaged writers for one simple reason: everyone should be able to read, write, watch, listen to and tell stories. Stories are what makes humanity truly great; the fuel that power our world. But there’s no story until we have all stories. So let us help you tell yours

What does a Writers’ HQ bursary give me?
The bursary gives 12 months free membership to Writers’ HQ, which gives you access to our whopping great course library, all our online events, the private student forums, and all the other membership goodies. From flash to short fiction to plotting, writing, editing and publishing a novel, we’ve got you covered.

Who is a Writers’ HQ bursary for?
You! Anyone who needs it! We prioritise the following: people who have a disability, who are neurodivergent or have a mental illness, those from a systemically-excluded community, and people living in a low income household, in receipt of benefits/social security or generally finding the cost of living impossible. People who are the primary carer for another human with high needs (including your bog standard common or garden children) and people who are struggling in other ways and just really need to write some kickass stories.
Here are some other things you might like to know
There’s a form down there. We ask you to answer a handful of questions, submit 2,000 words of your writing and a short personal statement.
There’s no need to prove your financial status or other circumstances.
We read them all in-house and try to distribute our bursary funds to pretty much everyone we can.
Our bursaries are not means tested, nor do we perform background checks.
Just tell us a bit about you, your writing, and your situation, and we’ll do our best to help.
In an ideal world everyone would get everything, of course, but we do the best we can with what we’ve got.
Unfortunately we can’t enter into correspondence or give feedback on applications, but feel free to re-apply if you weren’t successful the first time.
Ah. Well. That depends.
Our bursary is dependent on donations, which we then match fund. That means if someone donates a quid, we also chuck a quid in the pot, too.
Some times there might be three, some there might be thirty. We can’t tell, but usually we have a good chunk to hand out.
No mate, soz. Writers’ HQ sponsorships are given in the form of course access only. There are no cash alternatives. But there are SO many benefits to being a WHQ member. You’ll see.
Want to apply? We want to hear from you!
Bursary applications are assessed on a rolling basis.
That means there are no deadlines.
Just fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you within four weeks.

Want to pay it forward?
Head over to the donate page and hand over your readies