5 Competitions and Submissions! December

Too many options when it comes to submitting your work? Here’s our top five comps and subs for December 2024.
5 Competitions and Submissions! November

Too many options when it comes to submitting your work? Here’s our top five comps and subs for November 2024.
5 Competitions and Submissions! September – October

Too many options when it comes to submitting your work? Here’s our top five comps and subs for September – October 2024.
7 Short Stories About Summer

Eight of our favourite Flash Face Off stories. Whittled down from 9,000!
5 Competitions and Submissions! August – September

Overwhelmed by places to send your work? We’ve filtered through e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g for you and to bring you our top five competitions and submissions for August and September 2024.