Shit and whimsy

The Writers’ HQ Magaziney-Bloggy-Content-Scenario

A toolkit for writers who want to explore the interstitial, the liminal and the strange.
Who won at writing in August? The VERY long list of WHQers and their writerly wins this month.
Who won at writing in July? The VERY long list of WHQers and their writerly wins this month.
Who won at writing in June? The VERY long list of WHQers and their writerly wins this month.
Who won at writing in May? The VERY long list of WHQers and their writerly wins this month.
Who won at writing in April? The VERY long list of WHQers and their writerly wins this month.
Who won at writing in March? The VERY long list of WHQers and their writerly wins this month.
Who won at writing in February? The VERY long list of WHQers and their writerly wins this month.
Who won at writing in January? The VERY long list of WHQers and their writerly wins this month.
We’re done worrying and comparing and feeling inadequate. We’re going to do it and we’re going to do it now.
Sink into the melancholy embrace of winter and find your true writerly magic
Buh-bye 2023. Hallo 2024. Let’s see where it takes us…

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Yes you do. Writing inspo, buttkicking, upcoming events and special offers, and the occasional bum joke. You know what to do – put your thing in the thing.