Technical difficulties 😖

Last update: 16 September 2024

Hello hello. Because Writers’ HQ is cursed when it comes to websites, we are experiencing some TECHNICAL FUCKERY due to a change of hosts. We’re very sorry and working to fix this as quickly as humanely possible.

These are some issues you might notice right now:

  1. Event booking is somewhat hiccupy
    Clicking the booking link is working, even if you get a message saying some weird shit like emails can’t be sent.If you are a Gold Star Member, we’re sending event links out every Monday morning so you shouldn’t miss out on anything.If you’re a free member, we’ll do the same when the freebie events come around!
  2. Event reminder emails
    We’re sending ’em but a bunch of you aren’t receiving ’em! Please check your spam.
  3. Forum access
    If you’ve just signed up, you can’t access the forum just yet. We’re working on fixing it asap.

Massive, massive apologies for all the pain. Please do email us at with any issues and we’ll see what we can do.

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