5 Ways To Successfully Pants Your Novel

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What if you could keep pantsing your novel but do it better? We can help! With Mallika Narayanan

Are you a natural pantser using “how to write a novel” material crafted by plotters? Or a plotter looking for a new approach to novel writing? Welcome. You’re in the right place. This webinar will help you to unpack the pantsing process as a creative cycle; discover where and how to begin; find inspiration to create an organic flow of storytelling; connect with your characters and story on the level of emotion and intuition, and work with methods and tools to keep writing until you’ve created a story.

Who You Are

  • A plotter who wants to chill tf out a bit
  • A pantser who gets lost too easily in the story mire
  • Any writer who wants to shake up their process

What You'll Get

An hour long interactive workshop with WHQer and novelist Mallika Narayanan exploring new ways of pantsing your novel

What You'll Learn

  • What your process is and isn't and how to harness the power of pantsing for good
  • How to keep on going and not burn out after the initial excitement
  • Skills and tools to support your practice

About Write A Novel Month

Writing a novel is hard. So let’s do it together!

Throughout June, the Writers’ HQ Write A Novel Month will give you the opportunity to explore everything you need to know about novel writing, from drafting, characterisation, editing and everything in between.

We’ll go deep and broad into craft and practice and we’re also going to challenge you to write a wild draft – that’s 1,000 words a day for the entire month of June and see what comes out the other side.

Find out more about Write A Novel Month here >>


June 18th, 2024 from  7:00 PM to  8:00 PM
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Event Tag Novel Writing
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Event Zoom Notes Bea Watson - jo@whatsitdoodah.co.uk , JS Kember - jskember@yahoo.co.uk , Sherel purcell - sherelpurcell@activecitytravel.com , Tracey Waterhouse - t.waterhouse@ntlworld.com , jo larkin - jolarkin@ymail.com , Tricia Dawson - dawsonp3230@gmail.com , Sherel Purcell - sherel.purcell@gmail.com , Paula Minydzak - kaiamiskauthor@gmail.com , Beth Archer - betharcher_@hotmail.com , Clarissa Deason - waypastmidnightgirl9@yahoo.co.uk , Katie Baker - bakerk29@gmail.com , Andy Owens - andyoverhead@gmail.com , Sophie Rodgers - thesophierodgers@gmail.com , Helen Pyper - pyperhelen@hotmail.com , JS Kember - js_kember@yahoo.co.uk , Alizee Cambier - a.cambier@lboro.ac.uk , Sarah Knobbs - semorigan@gmail.com , Julie Cameron - julievcameron23@gmail.com , Ivana Durovic - sophia.lingua@gmail.com , Jo Hunter - johunter73@hotmail.com , Kate Bythell - mulberrywall@gmail.com , Janine Flippence - janineflippence@outlook.com , Teresa Renton - teresa@ladychicpea.com , Nikki England - nikkiengland79@hotmail.com , Ash Weaver - ashweaver.mail@gmail.com , Georgina Appleton - appleton_g@hotmail.com , Beth Archer - bethfharcher@gmail.com , Maggie Rich - maggie_rich@aol.com , Sharne McLean McLean - sharnemclean@hotmail.co.uk , Stephanie Torrance - stephanietorrance@live.com , Janet Pepper - janetpepper2@gmail.com , Maithreyi Nandakumar - mitesn@yahoo.co.uk , Malina Douglas - citrinesunstream@yandex.com , Gerry Byrne - gerrybeeewrites@gmail.com , Lynette Carter - lynette.ward@sky.com , Rachel Swabey - rachelswabey@yahoo.co.uk , Cassandra Jeffrey - cassandra.jeffrey869@gmail.com , Billie-Leigh Burns - billieleighburns@gmail.com , Alison Coyle - deargreenplace@live.co.uk , Eve Waters - waterseve@ymail.com , Varsha Venkatesh - varsha.venkatesh.a.v@gmail.com , Hazel Croft - hcroft@live.co.uk , Misia Smith - misiasmith@gmail.com , Emma Mainwaring - c-mainwaring@sky.com , Kasia Janiak - kasiaj.yoga@gmail.com , Lauren Hogg - laurenhogg928@gmail.com , Ruth Dear - ruthdear@outlook.com , Kelly Crack - kelly@kellypipes.com , Francesca Powlesland - frangoestohollywood@hotmail.co.uk , Emma Claridge - emmaclaridge78@gmail.com , Tracey Waterhouse - karentracey@hotmail.co.uk , Kate Marsh - k8.marsh@virgin.net , Hannah Hunt - sharkfinn95@gmail.com , Katz Elbows - katzelbows@gmail.com , Samantha Johnson - s_johnson90@outlook.com , Mia Masters - mastersm40@gmail.com , Lorraine Meagher - meagher139@gmail.com , Rose Fortune - rose.fortune90@gmail.com , Matt Bowles - mattjohnbowles@gmail.com , Veronica Duthie - veronicaduthie@gmail.com , Rebecca Bailey - r.janebailey@gmail.com , Paula Elmore - paula.elmore@outlook.com , Ashland Pym - mail@pymspen.com , Lisa Fry - fry.lisa.m@gmail.com , Evie Smith - sayann55@icloud.com , Kirree Scott - meeselightning@hotmail.com , Carol Jones - carol_jones20@sky.com , Rowan Bell - rowan.bell@proton.me , Dimitra Fimi - dimitrafimi@gmail.com , Hannah Parry - hannahparry236@gmail.com , Sam Chittenden - sam@different-theatre.com , Jo Watson Davies - jowd45@gmail.com , Shauna Bratten - shauna10@hotmail.co.uk , Simon Webster - swebster@fastmail.com.au , Ann Youmans - ann.youmans@protonmail.com , Brenda Beardshall - b_beardshall@yahoo.com.au , Mark Camilleri - mark17camilleri@gmail.com , Natasha Hirst - natasha.hirst@gmail.com , Ange Welham-Hagan - angiewelham@yahoo.co.uk , Rebecca Toennessen - rlt1976@proton.me , Ruth Findlay - ruthfindlay21@gmail.com , Amanda Foster - amanda@zerofierce.com , Wendy Birtwistle - rohilla68@gmail.com , Loredana Zaharescu - lore.zaharescu@gmail.com , Jane D - janedotchin@hotmail.com , alex porter - alex@relax-reenergise.com , Catherine Murphy - cate.smurf@gmail.com , Louise Santa Ana - louise.santa.ana@hey.com , Joanne Roberts - joanneroberts031@gmail.com , Jenny Brown - jenny@jennybrown.ca , Stephen Wing - steviewing@gmail.com , Paula Breuning - paulabreuning@gmail.com , Samantha Lovall - sam.lovall@outlook.com , Amy O’Neil - amygrace2@gmail.com , Jessica Smyth - jnsmyth32@gmail.com , Hina Gordon - hgordonhome@gmail.com , Elizabeth Frankish - tizzief@hotmail.com , Jules Hedges-Lewis - jules.lewis7@gmail.com , Catherine Sweeney - catesweeney@hotmail.com , Kathy Hoyle - kathyhoyle1@hotmail.co.uk , Kendra Jackson - kendrajackson1971@gmail.com , Annie Taylor Evans - annie.taylor.tc@gmail.com , Alan Grainger - alanjgrainger@gmail.com , Michele Poole - writer286@gmx.com , Alyssa Bushell - aly.redbug@gmail.com , Emma Hollings - emmahollings20@gmail.com , Didde Gaardsted - diddegaardsted@gmail.com , Tam McGinley - tamarinmcginley@gmail.com , Lisa Hearn - hearnlisa@hotmail.co.uk , Mags Diep - gloriousmundane@yahoo.co.uk , Sarah Lewis - sarah@writershq.co.uk , Victoria Lee - victoria.bracken.lee@gmail.com , Rebecca Connor - beccaconnor89@gmail.com , Elaine Delay - elainedelay@icloud.com , Kirsty Starmer - kirstystarmer@gmail.com , Carol Parchewsky - cparch@me.com , Michelle Stone - michelle.kn.stone@gmail.com , Kerstin Jorna - kerstin.jorna@yahoo.co.uk , Elisa Korentayer - elisa_korentayer@yahoo.com , Kevin Bonfield - kbonfield@live.com , Laurie Porter - wordsmith3336@gmail.com , Marian Caddick - mariancaddick@yahoo.co.uk , Sara Pfannkuche - sadiepfannkuche@gmail.com , Linda Simpson - l.simpson43@ntlworld.com , Angel Belsey - angelbelsey@gmail.com , Jo Clark - jo-clark@sky.com , Jim Holland - jimnetic@yahoo.co.uk , Fay Brown - faybrown82@gmail.com , Chloe Chamberlain - chloe.chamberlain@hotmail.co.uk , Lisa Walker - lisacosmic87@yahoo.co.uk , Tricia Dawson - triciad6483@gmail.com , Kerri Millar - kerriartcraft@gmail.com , Josie G - jgibberd64@gmail.com , Caroline Makepeace - caroline@makepeace.uk , Paulene Angus - violet88@iinet.net.au , Rachael Nicholson - rachael_hartley@outlook.com , Kim Clayden - kimclayden@hotmail.co.uk , Regula Gerber - r85@me.com , Rachel Robbins - rachel_home@yahoo.com , Danny Cooke Cooke - danny_cooke@rocketmail.com , Agnes Halvorssen - agnes.halvorssen@gmail.com , Riko (they/them) - dragonriko@hotmail.co.uk , Sophie Rodgers - misssophiejohnson@gmail.com , Nicola Valentine - niki.valentine@googlemail.com , Lesley Huckstepp - lesleyhuckstepp@yahoo.co.uk , Kath Roe - kathw68@hotmail.co.uk , Tabbie Hunt - joeyandmoo@gmail.com , Emma Crees - emma.crees@icloud.com , Sali Earls - sali_earls@hotmail.com , Judith Potts - judepotts47@gmail.com , Lesley Proctor - lesleyproctor1@hotmail.co.uk , Gillian Gammon - gillygammon@gmail.com , Lucienne Cummings - luci@blushingbunny.net , Laura Crampton - ljncrampton@gmail.com , Kim Moes - kjagain@hotmail.com , Marissa McCallam - marissa@marissamccallam.com , Sandra Hirons - svhirons@yahoo.co.uk , Alison Thompson - alison@theprooffairy.com , Kate Leimer - kate.leimer@gmail.com , Lucy Brighton - lucybrighton84@yahoo.co.uk , Karen Arnold - karen.arnold@btinternet.com , Juliette Challinor-Howard - juliette_challinor@hotmail.co.uk , Zeina Abi Ghosn - zeinaabigh@gmail.com , Kelly B - kellybrockington@hotmail.com , Mallika Narayanan - mallika.narayanan@gmail.com.
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