Day 14: One star
Day 14: One star
Day fourteen, let’s get mean.
We all love a good moan, don’t we? It’s not always GOOD for us but it sure is cathartic sometimes. But sometimes it just makes us even angrier. Which can in turn be slightly entertaining when it’s someone ELSE doing the moaning. Unless you’re on the receiving end…
Oof. Many variables. Humanity is complicated.
Luckily today our complaints are gonna be entirely fictional, so there are no real emotions at stake. Just the raw potential for a whole load of CONFLICT, which is the vital ingredient in any good story.
Take these fine one-star specimens for example:
Ok, ok, some of these can’t possibly be real but they still tell a damn good story, right?
Now, you may already have a one-star review of your own ready to let loose on the world, or you might want to use one of the examples above, or you may need a minute to think of something more abstract.
Some WHQ-office crowd-sourced answers to “what would you give one star to?” included:
- winter in general – frozen windscreens and cold toes, specifically
- fishing out lumps of hair from the shower drain
- a pair of wireless headphones that inexplicably SCREAMS “connected/disconnected” at full volume and apparently at random
- a carvery with sticky tables and ‘roast’ potatoes that were frozen in the middle and rubbery on the outside
- a substitute teacher who made me play rugby when I had a sprained ankle and told me to “just walk it off”
- the delivery person who left a parcel under the front tyre of my car and you can guess what happened next…
Your task for today is to write a spectacular made up one-star review. Channel the righteous indignance of a customer scorned. Get ridiculous. Rail against the wetness of water. Make an official complaint that the tooth fairy failed to pay out for your wisdom teeth. Leave a detailed review of an ex-partner.
Take 20 minutes. Lighten the load. Leave one single star. Then come and tell us all about it on the forum.
We’ll see you back here tomorrow (unless you leave us a one star review 😱)
Oh, and here’s an extra one for pure cuteness:
Useful Stuff & Things:
If you’re in need of a proper personal moan about life, writing or the universe in general, try The Moaning Method to clear out your grumbles and clear your decks for creativity…
And if you have some genuine lifey catharsis to get down, take a look at Write What You Know – a course all about how to tell real life stories in a sensitive (and healthy) way.