Publishing 101: Write A Synopsis

Learn how to craft a small but perfectly formed synopsis
Join our lovely little online community to support you all the way to synops-yes
Learn a range of techniques to summarise your novel into a stellar synopsis
Finish the course with a succinct, synopsis

The Writers’ HQ online synopsis writing course will help you prepare for sending your manuscript out into the big wide world of publishing.

You think you’ve done the hard part by writing a book, but landing an agent is the next big hurdle to leap over.

A kickass synopsis shows an agent you can plan and execute a super tight plot. But reducing a whole manuscript into just a few pages of story summary can be a reet pain in the backside…

Learn how to craft a small but perfectly formed synopsis and impress prospective agents with your summarising prowess.

“Writers’ HQ got me writing again after a break of nearly 20 years. They are amazing! A motivating, practical, friendly course with exercises to do and a nice positive forum to discuss how it’s all going.” CATHERINE A LEIMER

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