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Write A Short Story Support Group

Thursday 13 March , 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm UTC+0

A mid-month Write a Short Story Festival check-in support group type of affair where you can bring your progress and your problems and we’ll have a good ol’ chinwag.


Thursday 13 March
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm UTC+0


How much

Free for Gold Star Members


Kathy Hoyle

Bring us your writerly woes! Bring us your writerly wins!

A mid-month Write a Short Story Festival check-in support group type of affair where you can bring your progress and your problems and we’ll have a good ol’ chinwag.

We’ll be checking in with your progress, celebrating your wins so far, and troubleshooting anything that’s not going right for you. That could be any thing at all about your short story: characters not quite doing the right thing, world building gone awry, fundamental human truth not quite truthing, or anything else you want to chew over. Bring it all to this open Q&A!

Who You Are

  • A writer who is writing a short story and wants a check in with other humans
  • A writer who hasn’t started yet but wants to get in on the action
  • A writer who wants to celebrate their last two weeks of writing
  • A writer who has a problem they need to talk over
  • A writer who just wants to say hiiiiii to everyone else

What You’ll Get

An hour long Q&A with the inimitable Kathy Hoyle, creative writing PhD candidate and writer of many stories.

About your host Kathy Hoyle

Kathy’s work has appeared in a variety of anthologies and literary magazines including Spelk, The Forge, Lunate and Ellipsiszine ands has won and been shortlisted in many competitions including The Bath Flash Fiction Award, The Edinburgh Award for Flash Fiction ,The Exeter Short Story Prize and the Fish Memoir Prize.

Her Flash Fiction has been nominated for The Pushcart Prize, Best Small Fictions and Best Microfiction.

Kathy’s Debut Novella-in-flash Chasing the Dragon is now available.

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