The Writers’ HQ
Write A Novel Month

Saturday 1 June –  Sunday 30 June 2024

Let’s all write a novel!


Writing a novel is hard. So let’s do it together!

Join Sarah, Team WHQ and a specially curated gang of super awesome writers for a whole month of writing, workshops, write-alongs, and lovely, lovely community.

Throughout June, the Writers’ HQ Write A Novel Month will give you the opportunity to explore everything you need to know about novel writing, from drafting, characterisation, editing and everything in between.

We’ll go deep and broad into craft and practice and we’re also going to challenge you to write a wild draft – that’s 1,000 words a day for the entire month of June and see what comes out the other side.

You can start at the beginning and write a story alongside other festival writers, or you can drop in and out depending on where you are with your writing.

Plus, through regular write-a-longs we’ll help you stay on track and build a writing practice that fits into your life and goals.

Oh and we haven’t even name dropped yet. We have workshops from… wait for it… Alice Slater <gasps of awe>, Ed McDonald <fireworks>, Emma Healey <passes out> and our very own WHQer superstar novelists Samuel Burr and Mallika Narayanan <keels over dead>

Also! The best writing community this side of the internet. OBVIOUSLY. Aww yeah! It’s gonna be a-m-a-z-i-n-g.

What’s happening during the Writers’ HQ Write A Novel Month?

Workshops, masterclasses and amazing authors

We’ve got a whopping 11 events lined up with a sparkly spangling schedule of incredible workshops, even better writers, and important things to learn. With Alice Slater, Wiz Wharton, Samuel Burr, Mallika Narayanan, Ed McDonald and Emma Healey. Yes, actual Emma Healey. Holy wow to all of that.

Write Alongs

Join us online every Monday in June for an hour of writing alongside other writerly buddies with a guided writing session to help you plough through your word count and get you deeper into your story. It’s all about accountability, support, and the lovely, lovely WHQ community 😍

The Wild Draft Challenge

Listen. We’ll be real here. You need to STFU and get that goddamn novel out of you. We know. You know it. So let’s do it. We’re challenging you to write 1,000 words every day of June, from the beginning to the end of your story. Every single thing you know about it. And by the end? You’ll have a wild draft. Who knows where you’ll go from there?

Love! 🥰

Aww yeah. Writers’ HQ is overflowing with the absolute best writerly humans this side of the internet. The most word-slinging, tea-drinking, story-writing, biscuit-dunking, procrastination-busting, support-giving writing community around. Come and hang with us!


For me, Writers’ HQ is the difference between wanting to write and doing it. The courses, community spirit, and support are invaluable. The people I have met and the things I’ve learned have changed my life. Have a nosey. I did and it was like finding home.

Heather Haig

You want a calendar? We’ve got a calendar!

(Already a Gold Star Member? Book your events here)

Saturday 1 June
Start your Wild Draft!
Introducing the Wild Draft with Sarah Lewis

Monday 3 June
Write A Novel Write Along

Characterisation with Alice Slater

Thursday 6 June
Write A Novel In 60 Minutes with Sarah Lewis

Monday 10 June
Write A Novel Write Along

Tuesday 11 June
Desert Island Books with Wiz Wharton

Thursday 13 June
Introductions and Hooks with Samuel Burr

Monday 17 June
Write A Novel Write Along

Tuesday 18 June
Five Ways To Successfully Pants Your Novel with Mallika Narayanan

Thursday 20 June
Crafting a Narrative Driven World with Ed McDonald

Monday 24 June
Write A Novel Write Along

Thursday 27 June
Editing Your Novel with Emma Healey

Sunday 30 June
Finish your Wild Draft!

You want more?! WE’VE GOT MORE!

Access THREE incredible novely courses to help you on your way



The WHQ flagship course will help you create a novel-shaped plot


Plotstormers II: The Editing Strikes Back

Deconstruct. Reconstruct. Turn your manuscript into something beautiful


Troubleshoot Your Novel

Figure out what’s wrong with your story and FIX IT!


Such a great community for writers with fun events, awesome resources and regular prompts to get writing and stop making excuses!.

Sharon Clark

How does it work?

The Writers’ HQ Write A Novel Month is FREE for Writers’ HQ members!


Get yourself a Writers’ HQ Gold Star Membership (if you don’t already have one)


Sign up to any of the events you want to attend and commit to writing your wild draft. Then throughout June we’ll email you pep and vim to keep you going, including the links you need to access all the events.


You write all the cool stuff you’ve been wanting to write for ages

You ready?

Get your Writers’ HQ membership right here

What does Writers’ HQ bring to the party?



Over a decade of experience supporting writers through their challenges, guiding them through their args and blarghs and blocks, getting them moving and getting them to love their writing



Home to the most special, most magical, most kickass and supportive community of writers this side of the internet.


Track record!

A proven track record of guiding writers through their novels to create something wonderful



We focus on the joy. Writing shouldn’t be a chore. We bring the fun, and the rest follows easily (ish)


If you write, if you want to write, if you’d love to but believe you could never… this is the place for you. SO many really useful resources written for real people who live in the world and struggle to balance life and writing and keep their confidence up and just keep on going. Really clever, practical, encouraging tips, advice and inspiration.

Linda Rogers

Access everything with a Gold Star Writers’ HQ membership…

  • Access every event in the Write A Novel Month
  • Access to every WHQ novel writing course
  • The Writers’ HQ community forum
  • All of the many other member benefits

You need the famous Writers’ HQ newsletter

Yes you do. Writing inspo, buttkicking, upcoming events and special offers, and the occasional bum joke. You know what to do – put your thing in the thing.