January Toot Your Flute

Who won at writing in February? The VERY long list of WHQers and their writerly wins this month.
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Here we go again! Another turn around the sun, another wrinkle, another grey hair, more joy, more heartbreak, more staring up at the sky and going ‘wtf tho?’.

Let us celebrate our writerly wins, adorn them with joy and love, and appreciate that very special little spark inside us all that allows us the unique privilege of stories.

Lay your New Year success on us, baybeee!



A place for all your writerly wins, achievements, publications, goals smashed, small victories and big news.

With no more preamble necessary, let us get on with The Tooting.

(PS if you want your name in the February toots, please make sure you post your wins in the February toots thread on the forum.)

(PPS If we missed you off the list, we are extreeeeemely sorry. Give us a nudge via the usual channels, and we’ll add you in).

Vicky Heath had the story Heart Emojis published by Micromance Magazine.

Jude Potts had a story accepted on 24th December by Paranoid Tree and has been invited to read at a virtual event to celebrate their 50th issue next month.

Tom Housden had an article published last month in Heart of Sevenoaks magazine.

Mathew Gostelow had two pieces of digital collage art accepted by All Existing mag for their forthcoming “gothic” issue.

Lizzie Eldridge had a flash included in The Alien Buddha’s Best of 2024 and read two stories written at WHQ at a fundraiser for Palestine. An agent has also requested the first 100 pages of her novel—yay!

Sarah Oakes received an acceptance by Disabled Tales for the flash Astra and the Merrows Ball.

Naomi Brotherton received a yes from Scifansat for the sci-fi piece It’s only skin deep which started as an FFO piece.

Jane Jackson received an acceptance from 101Words and has three pieces which made it past the first round with The Zest of the Lemon.

Heather Haig received an Honourable Mention in the Strands IFF comp.

Sarah McPherson had a tiny micro published in Crow & Cross Keys.

Sarah Masters got an acceptance from Witcraft for a previous FFO.

Jane Mooney has a story that’s been chosen for a print anthology.

Omg wow, you guys are the absolute literal, figurative, complete BEST. Well frikken done. 

And like we said up there, if you want your name in the February toots, please make sure you post your wins in the February toots thread on the forum. OKAY BYE NOW. 

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