Be patient (AKA get used to waiting)

Hahaaaaa yeah, so this whole submissions thing is not a game for impatient people, or anyone of a particularly sensitive disposition who is not prepared for the rollercoaster of emotions […]

Make sure your story has a point

Errr, duh – that’s kinda obvious, no?  Well, dear writer. Well, well, well (three holes in the ground)…  You would be AMAZED at how many stories we’ve read that start […]

Do your research

The second most important rule for submitting your stuff is KNOW WHERE THE FUCK YOU’RE SENDING IT.  If you’ve read the guidelines (which you should definitely have already done several […]

Keep. On. Truckin’.

In the immortal words of Shia LaBeouf, JUST DO IT. Write, read, edit, tweak, submit, get rejected, deal with it, and try again. ‘Cause you will get rejected. EVERYBODY does. There: something you already have in common with all the award-winning authors in the history of the world. Everyone gets rejected. It’s the nature of the beast. […]

Keep track of your subs

Babies, if you’re gonna send out more than one story in your literary lifetime, you’re gonna need some way of tracking what you’ve sent where and when.  Enter the subs […]

Proofread and edit your work

Most editors/competition readers will let a rogue typo slide. I mean, we’re not monsters. But a piece that switches tense six times in one page, spells the protagonist’s name several different […]

Read the fucking guidelines

The first rule of submissions club is to READ THE SUBMISSION GUIDELINES FOR THE LOVE OF EVERLOVING FUCK. That’s why they’re called guidelines. They literally tell you what you need to […]


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