Look at your story in a different way

Alrighty, troubleshooters. We’ve been doing some pretty in-depth work the last few lessons and you probably need a bit of a breather. The same goes for writing a novel. Sometimes […]

Character = plot = character

Re-plotting and re-structuring your story can help to resolve a myriad of novel troubleshooting issues, but when it comes down to it, the most important ingredient in any story is […]

Re-plot the sucker

You may have discovered that the book you’re writing is turning out to be rather different to your original plan. Sometimes it’s subtle. Sometimes it’s drastic. Sometimes you didn’t even […]


The end. Or is it?  By the time you get to those two magical little words you’d hope that all your problems would be over, but sometimes the ending is […]


And so we come to the middle. The squishy bit that contains all your vital organs. Some of us want it to be sculpted with rock-hard abs. Some of us […]


Hahaaaaaa <gross sobbing> But seriously. There are no rules. Rules are for losers. And novels are tricky little beasties. Every inch of ’em. Which is why the next three lessons […]


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