October Toot Your Flute

Who won at writing in October? The VERY long list of WHQers and their writerly wins this month.
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This is Toot Your Flute for October. Tells us your wins, your acceptances.

(Oh and remember the Submit2024 thread for all those who participate :))



A place for all your writerly wins, achievements, publications, goals smashed, small victories and big news.

With no more preamble necessary, let us get on with The Tooting.

(PS if you want your name in the November toots, please make sure you post your wins in the November toots thread on the forum.)

(PPS If we missed you off the list, we are extreeeeemely sorry. Give us a nudge via the usual channels, and we’ll add you in).

Alison Wassell had a flash piece published in the first issue of Frazzled Lit and is on the Cranked Anvil Flash longlist. A story that also began in last year’s Flash Nano was published in Gastropoda and she has been Highly Commended in Bridport Flash Fiction Prize. She also won the Cranked Anvil Flash Fiction competition.

Heather Haig received an acceptance for a previous FFO by Trash Cat Lit and has a flash, and two poems published in Frazzled Lit: It Was Easy For a Dressmaker’s Dummy to Fall for a Man with a Birdcage Head and one of the poems started out as an FFO micro. She also made the Oxford Shortlist, was shortlisted for the Strands International Flash Fiction competition and received an Honourable Mention, and had a poem accepted by Cigarette Fire and another by The Basilisk Tree. There is also a piece up on Thin Skin and she made the Bath shortlist and the Cranked Anvil shortlist. Additionally, Raw Lit gave her a Pushcart nomination.

Sarah Masters was shortlisted for the Strands International Flash Fiction competition and M is for Mystery (which appeared in FFO) will appear in the Bath Flash Fiction Festival anthology. A story that started as an FFO has also been accepted for the Roi fainéant publication. She also received an acceptance from Hooghly Review for a Halloween story and reached the shortlist of the Bridport flash fiction competition.

Jane Mooney made the Northern Gravy longlist.

Naomi Brotherton had a zombie piece published in Litmora Magazine, another piece published in Scifansat, and received a yes from Inlandia literary journal.

Zeina Abigh had Amall which started off on FFO accepted by Valiant Scribe Literary Journal.

Jude Potts has the story Therapy? Bring On The Zombie Chicken Apocalypse coming out in Witcraft’s best of 2024 anthology and the first issue of the Neither Fish Nor Foul is now live.

Lucy Brighton has a story in Witcraft’s best of 2024 anthology.

Sarah Oakes will have the short Appointment Salad featured in Bath Flash Fictions Volume Seven Anthology.

Sophie Thompson had a piece out in Easy Does It Zine and also had a ghost story featured on The Three Ravens Podcast.

Vicky Heath received a yes from Micromance Magazine for the story Heart Emojis.

Jess Dolan made the shortlist for Bridport short story prize.

Karen Arnold received an acceptance by Trash Cat Lit.

Rachel Speed ran her first writing workshop for non-writers this month.

Omg wow, you guys are the absolute literal, figurative, complete BEST. Well frikken done. 

And like we said up there, if you want your name in the November toots, please make sure you post your wins in the November toots thread on the forum. OKAY BYE NOW. 

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