#Submit2023 Challenge – Send Your Writing Out Into The World!

Write. Submit. Repeat. And make a commitment to hurlng your writing out into the world this year.
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Hey you. Do you wanna develop your short fiction, build your confidence, get support from the best literary community around, and maybe even get your writing published?

Then we cordially invite you to join in with our #Submit2023 challenge!

It’s a leap of faith into the wonderful world of submitting to literary magazines, anthologies and competitions.

It’s a (gentle) kick up the bum to write a new story every single week and build a collection of submission-ready pieces.

It’s a lesson in persistence and resilience and, yes, ye olde dreaded rejection (but also, maybe, acceptance!).

It’s an opportunity to make a bunch of brilliant writerly friends, discover a heap of incredible stories, get feedback and encouragement and gold stars and watch your writing grow and blossom along the way.


#Submit2023 is a challenge to write a bunch of new stories in 2023 AND commit to sending at least one of them out into the big, beautiful world of lit mags and competitions.

If you’ve never submitted anything before, we’ve got the knowhow, guidance and support you need to give it a go.

If you’re familiar with the old subs routine but need some extra encouragement and inspiration to keep going — baby, we’ve got your back.

And either way, we’ve got the prompts and writing exercises to make sure, no matter what, you spend 2023 writing your lil’ cotton socks off.


First things first, check out our FREE flash fiction incubator, Flash Face Off, for weekly prompts, a feedback forum, and a regular live spoken word night to workshop your work.

Flash Face Off (FFO) is the best place to develop your short fiction, join an amazing band of supportive writers, and discover new submission opportunities every single week.

It’s just like Ray Bradbury said: “Write a short story every week. It’s not possible to write 52 bad stories in a row.”

The more you write, the more you learn, and the more potential stories you have to send out there.


A gif of a red and yellow title that says storytime



Next, for a little extra help with your short fic, take a peek at one of our 5-star writing courses, for example:

Five Days of Flash (FREE!)

The Short Fiction Mini Masterclass

The Writers’ HQ Guide to Flash Fiction

Writing Short Fiction

Each one of them is chocked full of writing exercises, craft techniques, inspiration, prompts and guidance to hone your and polish writing — along with practical advice on submitting your work.


Have a lil’ browse of our monthly listings of writing competitions and opportunities to find the perfect fit for your story.

Hang out in our community writing forum for suggestions and advice on great places to submit.

Keep an eye on our Twitter for the latest calls for submissions.

Or explore one of the brilliant publishing databases out there like Chill Subs, The Submissions Grinder or Duotrope.


Look. We know how scary the prospect of sending your work out into the world is. We have been rejected several billionty times. But we also know how much taking that risk has improved our work. We’ve learned A LOT about the craft of writing. We’ve created our own incredible flash fiction incubator-slash-world-dominating-community that is relentlessly supportive and encouraging.

So all we’re asking is that you give it a go. Take that scary step and submit just one thing. We’re here for you, whatever the outcome, with dedicated threads on our forum no matter whether you need to toot your flute or faceplant into a beanbag in The Rejection Lounge.

We also have literally thousands of words of encouragement on the subject rejection, imposter syndrome and the fear of failure — in fact, we even wrote a whole course about it. So you are certainly not alone. And you can definitely overcome your fear.

And then, with a little help from your friendly neighbourhood WHQ community, you might just feel ready to send out another thing. And then another. And another. And suddenly you’re back on the submissions train and smashing your very own #Submit2023 challenge.


Gif of three people peeking through a partially open door making thumbs up and A-OK signs of encouragement.



Over the past 5 years* of running #Submit challenges, and the past 3 years of running Flash Face Off we have seen people who have never once written a story in their lives go on to see their work published in literary magazines, longlisted, shortlisted, and even winning writing competitions. This year alone we’ve had at least 15 members nominated for various prestigious awards such as the Pushcart Prize and Best Small Fictions. Others are penning short story collections or novellas-in-flash, reading for lit mags, judging competitions, or even pursuing MAs and PhDs in creative writing!

But the real prize isn’t necessarily publication. It’s gaining confidence in your writing, finding a team of cheerleaders to keep you pepped up, and writing more words than you know what to do with over the course of a year.

So join us.

Come state your intentions over on the forum or Twitter using the hashtag #Submit2023.

Dive into Flash Face Off or one of our online writing courses and get writing.

And then, you magnificent word-filled creature, it’s time to submit.


A graphic titled #Submit2023 with an image of a pen, an envelope and a pair of arrows pointing at one another in a circle. Text below says: write, submit, repeat.


*P.S. This is our fifth year of running #Submit challenges and we owe full credit to Kim Liao’s quest to achieve 100 rejections in a year – read the article here and see what inspired us to do it ourselves!

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