5 Tips for First Draft Triumph

You have an idea. Brilliant! Ideas are where it all begins. You then contemplate the possibilities that this fricking fantabulous idea could offer you. You might write a bestselling novel, […]
Five Reasons To Ditch The First Draft And Work Towards A Zero Draft Instead

A few years ago I told a friend that I’d finished a first draft of a novel and I was starting The Big Edit. She said, ‘oh no you’re not […]
5 Films From The Nineties That Will Get You To The End Of Your First Draft

Struggling to finish your first draft? You could cry and shove chocolate cake in your face (this sometimes works), but perhaps it’s time for an alternative approach. So, hitch up […]
5 Steps to Magically Whipping a Shitty First Draft into Shape
It’s a beautifully crafted literary masterpiece in your head, but miserable on paper. So how do you get from ‘pile of words’ to ‘book-shaped thing’ without going utterly and entirely […]