Retreats FAQ
Cancelling, transferring, and all that kind of thing
Courses FAQ
How do your courses work? Do I have to do them in order? Can creative writing *really* be taught?
Technical FAQ
Logins, access, emails and other infuriating computerish stuff
General online event FAQ
For questions about online events that are particularly general
Flash Face Off FAQ
What’s Flash Face Off? Can I submit a story elsewhere if I’ve submitted it to Flash Face Off? Do I still own my story...
How to give and receive feedback
The one rule, How to give constructive criticism, and how to receive constructive criticism
A guide to content and trigger warnings
How being considerate of other humans is a good thing to do.
I need help with the forum
Where’s the forum? How do I change my username? Someone is being a dick what do I do? And other pressing questions