The Write A Short Story Festival Showcase
Nail Your End: Finishing the Short Story with Emily Devane
Make sure your stories finish with a bang and not a whimper. Explore how to end your stories with a *chef’s kiss* Workshop slides are here
Dust off Your Drafts with Anika Carpenter
Don’t leave your old drafts lingering in a folder. Let’s dig ’em out and whip them into shape. With Anika Carpenter from the Flash Cabin.
The Craft of Short Story Writing with Kathy Hoyle
Elevate your work from good to OMG GREAT and an exploration of metaphor, magic, place and generally making your story more awesome.
The Telescopic Lens: Part of the Writers’ HQ Write A Short Story Festival
A big-picture to small-detail approach for editing your stories. With Matt Kendrick. Workshop notes are all here.
Begin at the Beginning: Part of the Writers’ HQ Write A Short Story Festival
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