The Creative Spark Masterclass with Paul Macauley


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Find that spark in your work again with this one-hour masterclass from award-winning author and creative coach Paul Macauley.

Are you showing up to write but finding yourself stuck and feeling a bit ‘meh’ about it all?

This masterclass looks at what we need as writers to be making work that feels alive for us, outlines ways of thinking about how writing fits into our lives, and offers techniques to help tap into renewed energy for what we’re writing.

In this session you’ll learn:

– Why we can lose our enthusiasm for our writing, and where passion and drive comes from
– How to take a step back to see if our purpose and writing practice are helping us express what we want
– How other people and new inspirations can make our writing feel fulfilling and exciting again

Are you ready to rediscover the joy in your writing? Then this masterclass is for you!

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