Using the Magical in Your Writing. A Masterclass with Anita Goveas


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Learn how to experiment with using magical elements in your stories in this one-hour masterclass with Anita Goveas.

Have you ever wanted to write about inviting dragons to tea or a sea serpent infestation in the basement but worried about getting the balance right? Have you wondered about whether an element of fantasy would add depth to your story interesting ways but have been afraid to try?

In this masterclass we’ll look at blurring the lines between realistic fiction and fantasy, and find different ways of making the magical work for you and your writing style.

– We’ll experiment with using magical motifs and discuss what effect they have

– We’ll discuss when unleashing a kraken would work or not

– And we’ll consider how to use magical elements to make them work for what we are writing.
So whether or not you’ve previously used fantasy or magical element in your work, come join us!

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