Write November

We're writing a novel whatever makes us feel good in November

November 2025

Events for Write November 2025 are to be announced sooooon!

We're writing! In November!

Sounds familiar, huh?


We’re writing the shit out of November, and that means whatever you want it to mean. Holy vague project brief, Manbat!

Look, we love the big ambition of blatting out tens of thousands of words in a month, but for a lot of people getting that done just isn’t possible. Or it is possible but it’s a one way ticket to Burnout Town, and then you’re worse off off than when you started.

So we’re flipping the script.

During Write November, we’re challenging you to write something that makes you feel GREAT. To set yourself a realistic writing goal and explore a creative practice that’s joyful, sustainable and, ya know, fun. Join us!

(IMPORTANT INFO: if we were writing novels in November we’d call it Novelember. Just fyi).

Check last year's Write November Events

Gold Star Members

Productivity - Write November 2024

A mid-month Write November check-in support group type of affair where you can bring your progress and your problems and we’ll have a good ol’ chinwag.

Masterclass - Productivity - Write November 2024

What is Write November? What are you writing in November? How can we set realistic targets and make sure we get them done?

You ready? Let’s gooooooo!

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