Right in the feels
So far, we’ve prepped you with a load of theory, plenty of thinking, and a side helping of pep to get you ready to put your WWYK skills into practice. […]
Resources & research
How are you getting on? Need a pep talk from the forum? Chipping away at a story idea? Catching up with a few exercises? It’s all good. And no pressure to […]
Embodying an experience
Roll up, roll up, and feast your eyes on Part 2 of Write What You Know: People, Places & Things. You’re gonna need a clear 30 minutes to do this lesson’s […]
Giving value to your own experiences
Alrighty. The next exercise is another quick ‘n’ thoughtful one that you can bosh out in a mere 10-20 minutes (but will hopefully have you pondering for the rest of […]
Five things you know
G’day, beauties, and welcome to Write What You Know! We’re off on a literary exploration of your brain pan, discovering new lands and uncharted territories, and revisiting old familiar hideouts […]
And so, the end
We’re here. It’s time. The final lesson of Write What You Know… <sob> Thank you SO MUCH for turning up and sticking it out. And well done for taking some […]
All the things we know
Meep! You gUYezzz… It’s the second-to-last lesson of WWYK and we still have so much to tell you! WWYK is a vast subject, and one that never stops growing. Once […]
Why are we doing this again?
Hey you, We’re almost there. Only a few more lessons to go. Woah. We’re kinda tired. Are you tired? We’re pooped. And, y’know, writing is HARD. We start off with […]
Whaddaya want?
Alrighty, fine writerheads, time for another little mini exercise to put your WWYK skills to work… Way back in Part 2 we talked about the 3 fundamental story ingredients and […]
Let’s go macro
Look. We’ve already thrown some pretty big concepts at you so let’s reel it in a bit and focus on the teeny tiny miniscule details for a bit, shall we? […]