World Building Masterclass

Worldbuilding isn’t just for fantasy and sci-fi — it’s an integral part of crafting a realistic, vivid fictional story-world.

From social structure to local legends, dialect to clothing design, or even simply what your protagonist might eat for breakfast, worldbuilding informs your characters’ worldview, opinions, decisions and actions.

Join us for this 1.5 hr masterclass to learn how to build your story world from the ground up, pepper it with unique and intriguing details, and create a living, breathing fictional universe to throw your characters into!

In this session you’ll learn:

– What kind of worldbuilding you need to focus on for your genre/story

– How to build a strong foundation for your story-world with fictional R&D

– How to weave relevant details into your story and avoid the ‘infodump’

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Choose Your Own Adventure

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with one of our new year writing challenges