Donate to the
Writers’ HQ Bursary

Help us to help struggling writers (financially struggling not, like, angsty struggling because that’s all of us)


Every month, we give Writers’ HQ membership free of charge to anyone who needs it.

That’s the long and the short of it.

  • People like you donate some readies
  • We match fund it
  • We give away a bunch of memberships to writers in need

Do you need a writerly leg up?

Apply for a bursary here

Your donation helps

We believe that stories are what makes humanity truly great. Stories are the fuel that power our world. And the only way to a truly fair and equal society is if all voices are heard – especially those whose voices are under-represented, or those who have not been offered the same opportunities due to income, background, gender, or ethnicity.

Our bursary programme relies on the donations of lovely people like you. We magically transform your donation into online creative writing courses, resources and support for those who need it but can’t access it; writers who struggle to find the time, space or resources to write.

As an added bonus, we match fund the value of everything donated to the bursary fund. So if you give us a quid, we put another quid’s worth in the pot.

By contributing to the Writers’ HQ bursary, you are helping fund a project that seeks to

  • Overthrow the capitalist hegemony
  • Ensure stories from all walks of life are heard
  • Casually sip tea while the establishment burns

1 month of membership £20


3 months of membership £60


12 months of membership £190


Choose your own amount

The Writers’ HQ Bursary let me keep on feeling like I was moving forward

It meant I was still learning new things even if I was struggling with other stuff and there wasn’t much time to actually write. I’ve learned so much from slowly reading through many of the courses and doing the tasks where I could, without feeling I had to keep up with anyone else and could dip in and out.

It’s been a relief realising a lot of the doubts and frustrations weren’t me being bad at writing but were ‘just’ a normal part of the process. The tasks you set were accessible, fun and often made me laugh so much that I didn’t realise how much useful knowledge I was absorbing in the process. I’ve made a huge pile of notes and I know I’ll keep referring back to them.

This last year the Writer’s HQ courses and feedback have been a big part of gaining a deeper understanding of my manuscript and the writing and editing process. I started last year feeling very stuck and not knowing how or where to start to identify the problems I could sense were there but which I couldn’t really pinpoint. I currently feel much more enthusiastic and that I have a better grip on structure and what I need to do to strengthen my story arc and character development. I also feel I’ve gained the language to talk about these concepts better.

Anna B

You need the famous Writers’ HQ newsletter

Yes you do. Writing inspo, buttkicking, upcoming events and special offers, and the occasional bum joke. You know what to do – put your thing in the thing.