November Toot Your Flute

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Author: Kerry-Ann Kerr

This is Toot Your Flute for November. Tells us your wins, your acceptances.

(Oh and remember the Submit2024 thread for all those who participate :))



A place for all your writerly wins, achievements, publications, goals smashed, small victories and big news.

With no more preamble necessary, let us get on with The Tooting.

(PS if you want your name in the December toots, please make sure you post your wins in the December toots thread on the forum.)

(PPS If we missed you off the list, we are extreeeeemely sorry. Give us a nudge via the usual channels, and we’ll add you in).

Heather Haig has an FFO piece in Trash Cat Lit, a poem called Ghost Bird in the Basilisk Tree, and a story in the Oxford Anthology. Also she received an acceptance from Talk Vomit for an FFO flash and another short story accepted by DuFrank Lit. She also received a second Pushcart nomination from Thin Skin and has a story called Powdered Sugar out in Cigarette Fire!

Marie-Louise McGuinness has a story on Fictive Dream and Banshee nominated her story for Best Microfictions.

Sarah Masters has a Yorkshire dialect story at Roi Faineant.

Karen Arnold received an acceptance from Derwent Press and Banshee not only published a story, they also nominated it for best short fictions 2025.

Simon OBrien put words on paper!

Conrad Bower self-published the short story collection Echoes of Resistance: Stories from the Frontlines.

Rachel Speed went to the launch of a local anthology and read a piece to the crowd from that anthology!

Aimz Rushton sent in two entries for The Mikey contest.

Kim kjagain Moes found a home for Glimmer at Suddenly, and Without Warning.

Vicky Heath has a non-fiction piece in Scotland’s Stories: Hope.

Jude Potts received an acceptance from Wireworm and the story Only Fangs has been published by Urban Pigs Press.

Alice Ahearn has the story Future Perfect in Does It Have Pockets and the short story A Mechanic’s Incomplete Guide to Bicycle Exorcisms published by Indie Bites.

Lauren Phillips-Freeman published a very short poem about self-care.

Naomi Brotherton found a home for A Penny Well Spent at Inlandia Journal and has a story in Scifansat.

Ya Lan Chang has a story on Northern Gravy.

Bernard Harkin contributed to Leith Writings with a story called Once Upon a Time in North Edinburgh.

Omg wow, you guys are the absolute literal, figurative, complete BEST. Well frikken done. 

And like we said up there, if you want your name in the December toots, please make sure you post your wins in the December toots thread on the forum. OKAY BYE NOW. 

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